D.B. Sayers, Author

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Dirk in front of the fireplace mantel he built in his Laguna Niguel home. 

The war shield is Lakota: Black Warbonnet Society.

D.B. Sayers is a multi-genre author whose contemporary, New Adult and science fiction yarns are all laced with racy romance, nuanced characters confronted with difficult choices and thematic elements that challenge much of what we think we know or believe.

Not unlike the stories he writes, Dirk’s personality is riddled with paradox and attitudes that (at first blush) seem at odds with his past and experiences. When confronted with the apparent contradiction, he just nods and smiles, leaving his interlocutor to draw his own inferences. His writing is a blend of thoughtful, thought-provoking of insight, whimsical humor and and a taste for the edge that readers who know him well immediately recognize.